Emmanuel School
Class 1
Working with partner organisations who we know and trust, we are supporting healthcare projects in Burundi and Senegal, as well as schools and rehab projects in Kolkata, India.

One of our international partners is Emmanuel Ministries in Kolkata (Calcutta) India. (www.emcalcutta.org) The charity was started by Vijayan and Premila Pavamani over 40 years ago. As a young married couple they were moved by the extreme poverty that so many were experiencing around them in the city together with problems caused by drug and alcohol addiction. The charity they founded now runs several day centres for homeless children, a school, drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres, employment skills training and also homeless shelters. Sharing Life is providing on-going support for a number of these projects. These pictures were taken during a visit by trustees Steve Eyre and John Hulett in February/March 2015.

Night Shelter for those seeking help with addiction.